

Cactool is an easy way to collaboratively code social media posts and visual media for manual content and discourse analysis

Installation Guides


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Cactool: Installation Guide

In-depth step-by-step guides:

Quick Installation Guide

You can install Cactool on your local machine or on a server through Docker or directly using PIP (package manager). Running Cactool through a server is useful if you want to have multiple coders or want to code through your mobile while situated away from your main computer.

Cactool also has some custom build configurations


1. Install Docker Desktop, and start it.

2. Clone the repository

git clone

3. Enter the cactool directory

cd cactool

4. Run docker-compose

Make sure the Docker is running then run

docker-compose up -d

An instance should be accessible on port 80

Directly (with PIP)

1. Install Cactool

pip install cactool

2. Start the website


The server will be running on port 80 and configuration files can be found in the generated docker-config folder.

Custom Builds

There are some additional configuration settings available. For example those aimed at low-memory machines (such as installing Cactool on a Raspberry Pi), or server users with a public facing instance (such as custom ports, limiting file size uploads, and limiting user-signups. Please read the configuration guidance here.